Thursday, June 14, 2007


So apparently this is not the forum I am supposed to be discussing my experiment. Typical.

I was thinking about the media today with the experiment I am doing while one of my roommates was watching MTV, more specifically, the Road Rules/Real World Challenge. While I could have made up some excuse as to why I didn't sit next to him and watch when he insisted on it, I actually had a legitimate reason to say "no": I HATE MTV.

I have appreciated music my entire life. I have been a trained classical pianist since I was 6 years and trained classically in viola at the age of 10. I came to the University of Maryland under a music performance scholarship in viola, still playing piano for fun, and have always regarded the craft with the highest of respect.

But, not just classical. I have worshiped late 60 and early 70s music since 7th grade. the Doors, The Beatles, Cream...the list goes on. Just wonderful stuff. Even into the 80s, there was great music being produced. Then MTV came. Stripped the soul out of live performance and put blond hair and a tight body where talent should be.

At least that's one channel I don't miss.

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